up last Wednesday. He got a great report! No more medicine
and we don't have to go back for a year!!!
Laney is in the background playing her DS

Bryson with his coone skin cap that Uncle Blake got him.

Bryson 9 months
Chaney and Rylee Kate riding Trixie

Pepaw, Ginny, and Bryson

The kids in their Chritmas outfits in front of the tree

Aunt Alesha and B
Rylee Kate, Bryson, Chaney
Bryson's 1st haircut (He's had two more since!!)

Bryson with his coone skin cap that Uncle Blake got him.
be that hard, right??...wrong!!! I did a HORRIBLE job. Next time, I will pay the
money to have a PROFESSIONAL do it! ha ha
Pepaw, Ginny, and Bryson
The kids in their Chritmas outfits in front of the tree
Aunt Alesha and B
Our White Christmas! We were so excited to have snow for Christmas this year,
but it didn't go exactly as planned. I took Rylee to the doctor the Wednesday
of Christmas week and were told she had H1N1 flu! We needed to stay away
from Bryson so she and I stayed at the condo till Saturday. We (I) was
bummed to miss Christmas, but we just opened our gifts on Saturday.